Testosterone all the information


testosterone levels


Testosterone: the male hormone par excellence.

Testosterone is the hormone responsible for virility and governs sexual desire, even in women and when it drops it can change a life.

There is no doubt that testosterone is the hormonal responsible for masculinity, that is, for that set of anatomical, physiological, psychological and behavioral aspects that a word we call virility.

Also, read the article on impotence.

The testosterone is a steroid hormone androgen group mainly produced by the Leydig cells in the testes and, minimally, testosterone is synthesized in the adrenal cortex.

It is also present in women, but as an intermediate product in the synthesis of estrogen. A woman who does not work the two glands that produce it, the ovary and the adrenal gland, is seen to fall into a dramatic loss of all desire.


It contributes to ensuring fertility, as it acts on the maturation of spermatozoa in the testicles. It influences the quality and quantity of the sperm produced since it also acts on the seminal tract and on the prostate, organs for the production of sperm. Testosterone also regulates sexual desire, erection, and satisfaction: it has the function of "synchronizing" sexual desire with the actual sexual act, regulating the beginning and the end of the erection of the penis.


Testosterone is also the fulcrum on which the same desire to get up in the morning to face the day, respond to the small and large provocations of daily life, desire to grow professionally, not allow depression to take hold of our thoughts.

It is the testosterone that from the first weeks of fetal life transforms a female embryo into a male embryo, placing an indelible imprint on the body of the man who will be born.

Testosterone therapy could help tackle depression in men – study

can be said to be the "rib" that turns into men when the sex chromosomes are XY, rather than XX like in women.

This very powerful hormone also leaves its mark on the brain of the unborn child, causing one day to think and behave as a male, rather than a female.

A few years STEROID PROFILE vitagon if you took the vaccine, this is what fauci, big pharma, democrats, and the criminal presstitutes did to you – paulcraigroberts.org after birth, testosterone will again cause the voice to become deeper, the muscles will grow and the body and face hair will grow.

Then, throughout life, the level 10 to 20 times higher of this hormone, will continue to biologically distinguish a man (in which it is produced from the testicles) from a woman (in which it is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands).

But if the woman normally produces less it is proven that many esteroides anabolicos comprar of her tissues are much more sensitive to testosterone than the male ones.

It is this subtle balance between production and sensitivity to testosterone that distinguishes males and females from a psychological and behavioral point of view, even if the skein of biology and culture is one of the most difficult to unravel.

According to the scientists, the testosterone level drops year after year.

Thus, for example, they discovered the doctors who wrote the Massachusetts Male Aging Study (published by the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism), observing that lately, about 1.2% of testosterone disappears from the male body every year, the hormone that characterizes masculinity.

For example, testosterone allows you to have long-lasting and powerful erections, strong muscles and bones, increases the desire for domination, improves the quality of sleep.

With puberty and entry into the adult world, testosterone hormone secretion increases year after year. Suddenly you feel the need to go out with girls, you have the first full erections, sometimes there is the urge to fight between companions.

From the age of 30, however, a slow decline begins (about 1% are lost every 12 months).

If we add to this the 1.2% loss that characterizes our time, it becomes worrying.

According to Professor Douglas Granger of the Pennsylvania State University endocrinology laboratory, when you want to conquer a woman, the body secretes a significant amount of testosterone to make the male more attractive (and possibly to prepare for the struggle for conquest).

Some studies suggest that when mutual falling in love occurs, male testosterone levels tend to align with female testosterone levels (women also have a little testosterone): male testosterone levels go down and female testosterone levels go up.

Sexually speaking, it seems that the moment of testosterone peak is early in the morning when you wake up.

The woman also reaches the peak of estrogen in this period. It, therefore, arises spontaneously to say: what better time to have sex?

It is also curious to observe (from studies by Dr. Serum Muscle Growth dianabol for sale in usa apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ask1) inhibition attenuates human airway smooth muscle growth and migration in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (copd). Katharina Hirschenhauser of the Institute of Applied Psychology in Lisbon) that testosterone levels increase on weekends (more time for sex) and on full moon nights (hence the term wolves ).

In case of divorce, it seems that testosterone levels will rise again, probably because it would be up to us to show our muscles, exteriors, body again.

You can take an exam to measure your testosterone levels, such as taking blood or saliva. If the levels are between about 350 and 1000 ng/dl it falls into normal; under about 270 it may be necessary to intervene with a cure.

With age in men, testosterone levels drop, although not as rapidly as estrogen in women.

There is then talk of andropause, the male equivalent of menopause, with quite similar symptoms.

Body fat tends to increase, the physiological "form" decreases (short-term memory loss, depression, anxiety, and loss of self-confidence), increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and cancer of the organs of the sexual sphere (breast and prostate).

Free testosterone: only a small part circulates freely and is free to penetrate the cells (free testosterone), while most are linked to proteins (SHBG and albumin).

In fact, about 60-70% binds to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG, Sex Hormone Binding Globulin ) according to the known mechanism for transporting a hormone (protein + hormone).

Another 30-40% binds to albumin with a weaker bond. Basically only 1-2% of testosterone is free.

Since protein-bound testosterone is inactive ( protein binding must break to activate), it does not make sense to measure total testosterone, it would be necessary to measure free testosterone.

Melatonin Compound Zinc-Selenium Glycine-AdenosineIn fact, in old age (or in alcoholics and in subjects suffering from hypothyroidism) the production of SHBG has increased and free testosterone is further reduced.

It should be evident that since the free fraction is only a small percentage, it is better to have 4 ng / ml of total testosterone and 2% free than 7 ng/ml of total testosterone and 1% free.

Unfortunately, if the determination of total testosterone is insignificant, that of free testosterone is very expensive and is rarely done.

The highest testosterone levels are found in the morning; low levels are found in cirrhosis of the liver, in renal failure, in estrogen therapy, in food imbalances (malnutrition and obesity).

If an excessive amount of testosterone turns into DHT (dihydrotestosterone), baldness arises, as DHT binds to the hair bulb of the hair, atrophying it.

Beware of abuse of the use of testosterone for pharmaceutical use. You must not be attracted by the ease of putting on muscle mass or losing weight and you must go to the endocrinologist in case of presumed important deficiency or symptoms.

There are published studies that present cardiovascular risks for those taking testosterone and there may be especially if you take it unnecessarily.

If in doubt, I personally periodically take natural supplements like Man Plus Power.

Depression and High Testosterone in Women



Testosterone levels increase significantly during exercise and often remain high for an hour after the end.

It occurs that in conjunction with the athlete’s maximum peak of shape, the levels are generally lower, (i.e. the increase is less), a sign of an adaptation to the stress induced by training.

This figure is very important because it indicates that testosterone is not an absolute bottleneck: if it is important to have minimum levels to obtain the best performance, having very high levels is not a guarantee of improved performance.

In particular, the data on testosterone levels in cross-country races such as the marathon is not consistent (Kuoppasalmi, 1980, Ponjee, 1994 and Vogel, 1985).

Testosterone control is not a routine check, except for those subjects who have very low total cholesterol
values (less than 160 mg/dl); for the sportsman, it is sufficient to check it every 3-5 years to track its evolution over time.

As with all hormones, the examination must be conducted in sporting and non-sporting conditions of rest and non-administration of drugs (estrogen, barbiturates, thyroid drugs, etc.) for at least 48 hours.

The values ​​normally vary in humans according to age: before development between 0.1 and 5 ng / ml, in adulthood between 4.5 and 8.5 ng / ml, over 60 years between 1 and 5 ng / ml.

In women, they vary in the follicular phase between 0.25 and 0.35 ng/ml, in the preovulatory phase between 0.33 and 0.47 ng/ml, in the lutein phase between 0.30 and 0.40 ng/ml, during menopause between 0.25 and 0.35 ng/ml.



1) Having sex


L ‘ sexual activity does produce more testosterone which in turn increases sexual activity (the famous vicious circle). Having sex is, therefore, a natural remedy for low testosterone levels. The more frequent sexual intercourse, the higher the testosterone level. In addition to the frequency Anabolic Steroids Blog – iSteroids.com » Testosterone Cypionate steroid online home – halotestin ekşi, nolvadex buy anabolic steroids online free shipping – luthier junction | luthier directory of relationships, what matters are expectations: if the idea of ​​having a relationship is appreciated and exciting, testosterone starts to rise, if it worries, it drops. Not making love over time instead reduces the desire more and more. It is a precise adaptive mechanism whose original purpose was to promote sexual activity only when conditions were more favorable. So today the level of testosterone drops in married men, or in men whose partner expects a child, because they are good and faithful, to go back immediately after a divorce when it is necessary to get back "on the market".



2) Eat more red meat


It has been noticed that if the fats that you take correspond only to 10% of the daily calories, you risk seeing your testosterone levels decrease.


Diets with too many fibers and without red meat also seem to tend to decrease the hormone level.


A Dutch study shows that lean red meat proteins are better than dairy products and eggs for testosterone.


3) Stay away from alcohol


Studies by Dr. Jakob Vingren of the University of Connecticut published by the Strength and Conditioning Journal, for example, suggest that exceeding 5 drinks a day leads to a marked decrease in testosterone. The maximum allowable dose appears to be around two glasses per day. But wine, especially red wine, in low doses is almost a medicine.


4) Weightlifting activities in the gym


Testosterone allows you to build powerful muscles, weight lifting increases hormone levels.


However, a fairly intense program must be followed.


For example basic exercises such as squats, flat bench presses, lifting off the ground, oarsman.


However, we must not forget the recovery. Overtraining, in fact, leads to a net decrease in testosterone in the blood.


So think of at least one day off every two sessions.

5) More protein and more lean mass.

Testosterone levels drop as the waistline increases

6) More weights and more biceps.

Studies in Finland have found that weight lifting twice a week increases their testosterone levels by 49%.

7) More fish and more dried fruit.

A study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine has revealed that consuming fat improves testosterone levels.

But obviously it is preferable to consume more monounsaturated fats contained in foods such as fish and dried fruit (walnuts, almonds Salonen: ‘Lent on steroids’ need not end in despair | The Dickinson Press axiron testosterone bodybuilding steroids for sale: buy anabolic steroids at low price in usa and especially hazelnuts) which help hormonal production without straining the heart.

8) More footing and more relaxation.

Cardiovascular activity keeps the body in shape, relaxes and defends testosterone.

Running causes serotonin (the good mood hormone) to be produced. Serotonin neutralizes the action of cortisol (the stress hormone).

Cortisol reduces the body’s ability to make testosterone.

9) Beware of fatter and larger and farmed fish.

Some toxic testosterone-like substances such as dioxin and PCB can settle.

So it might be useful to choose wild and small fish that have too short a life to accumulate poisons inside it.

10) Do not use chlorpyrifos-based insecticides.

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A study conducted in Massachusetts (USA) shows that it causes a 10% drop in testosterone levels.

11) When cycling, do not use too tight and rigid seats.

They could in fact cause erectile disorders.

It might, therefore, be better to choose wider and more padded saddles.

12) Preferable not to use lavender oil and tea tree cosmetics.

Research has indeed shown a connection between these substances and the development of gynecomastia in men for a lowering of testosterone.

Bogeyman of any diet, fats are actually critical to male health, as they promote testosterone production.

The important thing is to consume the right "quality" as well as quantity: useful for enhancing muscle mass are those that we find in a lot of dried fruit and olive oil, together with the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Another factor to avoid testosterone reduction is to control the states of stress and therefore the production of cortisol, as both these hormones have a common precursor, the pregnenolone which transforms into cortisol instead of testosterone with increasing stress.

Important for testosterone are, inter alia, vitamins A, vitamin C, and vitamin D and zinc.

A study from the University of Graz (Austria) shows that men who have at least 30 nanograms of vitamin D per milliliter of blood have higher testosterone levels.




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